This blog is my thoughts, feelings, and opinions about the world and life around me and you. I see the world through a Christian's eyes and this is how I write about it. Whether it be criticism or praise, I am very direct about what I see as was Christ himself. Its time that I share what I have to say with whoever would like to listen. Enjoy what you read and I welcome anything you have to say about it. In Christ

Monday, April 25, 2011

Stop and Stare

Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be, oh
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're here not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, can you see what I see

The above lyrics are from one of my favorite group's, One Republic, single "Stop and Stare" The reason that I am writing about this today is for many reasons but more importantly a few weird coincidences that all happened today. I have heard this song so many times. Having the album, hearing it on the radio and also from some of my friends.

First, I was talking with someone and they shared with me one of the most amazing compliments in one simple saying. First they said that they read a saying on a candy wrapper that made them think of me. I was curious so asked what it was and the saying was "Blessings only come to those who notice". Ok, this saying may mean a thousand different things to a thousand different people. However, to me in that moment, it meant more than the person saying it even knows. This has to be one of the most amazing compliments I have ever heard, period! I don't know why it hit me in that way, but through the course of our conversation, it meant a lot. Then later on I heard the song mentioned above on Pandora Radio while working. As you know, Pandora is completely random so having these two things happen within the same hour, well I saw no coincidence.

I wrote last post about being myself, and when you do, the right people that you WANT in your life will reveal themselves. What I forgot to mention is that when you are yourself and you notice the people in your life that makes it worth it, blessings will definitely enter your life. I believe that this is where a lot of people seem to screw up what can be an amazing thing. In my generation, people do not see what is right in front of them. I have heard countless stories from guys that wish they would have taken that chance and asked this girl out, or taken this job. Don't get me wrong, I believe everything happens for a reason. However, if we never notice that amazing thing in front of us...where will it ever get us? What are we afraid of that keeps ius from following what our heart says may be a good ting.

This goes for all walks of life. Not just romance, or your professional career, etc. I am talking about your faith, your family, and maybe even something as small as the new burger shop that opened up on the corner. I am a big believer in trying everything once. Just once, and if I do not like it then I wont do it again. However, life is way to short for me to go and say "Woulda, coulda, shoulda..." I was also told recently that I need to be assertive. I was a bit shocked at first but the person saying it to me had a very valid point. I have the confidence and inclination to be anything I want to be but from time to time I can see myself as not being the assertive person that I my family knows very well. I need to take what is mine and what I want out of life. If I don't, whats the point? I could just stay inside all day, play the lottery and watch "my stories"...I would probably get the same out of life.

With all this being said, lets recap very quickly. I have come to the conclusion that stopping "to smell the roses" or simply to notice the blessings that are directly in front of you should not be taken for granted. Things happen and people are met for a very specific reason, whether they be a major or minor point in your life. All I can say is to enjoy them while they are there or they may simply not be there one day. Tomorrow is never promised and neither are the blessings that are given to us. So the next time something comes around and you think about hesitating, all I say is to jump in with both feet, take some chances (smart ones, do not be dangerous), and enjoy this life that we have been blessed with. I guarantee, even if it doesn't work out, you will not regret the time you spent exploring and the learning the lessons that came from it.

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