This blog is my thoughts, feelings, and opinions about the world and life around me and you. I see the world through a Christian's eyes and this is how I write about it. Whether it be criticism or praise, I am very direct about what I see as was Christ himself. Its time that I share what I have to say with whoever would like to listen. Enjoy what you read and I welcome anything you have to say about it. In Christ

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Buket List...continually growing!

So after talking to Hailey about many things, we have decided that it would be fun to make a sort of bucket list. Just some things that you would like to do before you "kick the bucket". I have many things planned for the summer and may accomplish things on thisd list by September, but I am trying to be ambitious, to do things that will stretch me fartrher than I thought I could. Here it is...and by the way, it is always growing :)

-Sky Dive and do some kind of flip in mid-air
-Go somewhere no one else has ever seen
-Bungee jump from a bridge or helicopter
-Back pack Central America
-Go somewhere for an extended period and dont tell anyone (maybe one person :])
-Tour Italy's wine country
-Visit the "Eagle's Nest" in Germany
-Pray at every concentration camp from WWII
-Read the Sermon on The Mount while on Mount Sinai
-Walk the road Jesus carried the cross on
-Visit every inhabital continent
-Go on the walkabout in the Australian Outback
-Jump on a plane not knowing where I am going
-Eat sushi in Japan
-Learn to fly a plane, then DO IT!
-Sail around the world with a loved one
-Speak at a men's conference
-Share my testimony on 6 continents
-Go on a safari in Africa
-Explore the jungles of Fiji
-Dive from a waterfall
-Swim in every ocean
-Look for the Lochness Monster :)
-Visit the Castle of Ayer in Scotland
-Go to the beaches of Normandy
-Climb Ayers' Rock in Australia
-Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef
-Become a Master Diver
-Tour Europe
-Travel the Middle East
-Get a fortune in China
-See a play in the "Wooden O" Theater
- Read "Romeo and Juliet" in Stratford upon Avon
-Own a vacation home in the woods
-Become a wine connoisseur
-Dance in the rain
-Learn how to shoot a bow and arrow

This is all I can think of now, But I will continually update this post. When I accomplish things I will cross it out and attach a story. Here it life begins!

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