This blog is my thoughts, feelings, and opinions about the world and life around me and you. I see the world through a Christian's eyes and this is how I write about it. Whether it be criticism or praise, I am very direct about what I see as was Christ himself. Its time that I share what I have to say with whoever would like to listen. Enjoy what you read and I welcome anything you have to say about it. In Christ

Friday, May 8, 2009

Jordan Bryan Ayers: The Journey Begins!

So yesterday, I woke up at 6am for work as I always do but instead of the hpoiuse still ebing asleep, I had my mom running in saying that my brotehr and sister-in-law are in the hospital, the baby is coming! Something we have prayed and hoped for many years, has finally arrived. God has blessed two of the most special people in my life with a child of their own. So I took off work and headed to the hospital, in anticipation we waited. Until 9:19am on Thursday morning, then my brother JT came in with the good news. They have an incredibly beautiful, healthy 6lb 8oz baby boy. He is standing at a incredible 18.5 inches, he may not be ready for the NBA but he has a few decades to grow for that. I have never seen my brother so excited, overwhelmed, happy with his heart full of joy.

The very next question that was asked was the baby's name. We all had no idea since Jt and Jess (his wife) had kept it a secret. Which I think is an amazing idea. It is something they had given to this child from them, and only them. He named the baby Jordan Bryan Ayers. I loved teh name immediately, not because of the sound but because of the reasons. Jt and Jess picked the name Jordan becasue this is where Jesus started his ministry and so shall they. This is what seperates my brother and his wife apart from so many new parents. Right away, they did not see Jordan as a baby or a new addition to the family. Immediately they thought of Christ and the way He is going to use Jordan to further His kingdom. What an awesome testament to their faith. The middle name Bryan comes from our grandfather who passed away in 1991. He was such an amazing man that, although we had such a short time with, was a big part of our lives. This made Gram cry....extremley emotional moment.

After JT went back to see his wife, my mom, Jess' mom, and myself started calling like mad. Anyone we could think of to tell the amazing news to. My mom couldn't stop crying, but who could blame her. I began to tear up as well. The two people that prayed and trusted God with the formation of their family finally recieved tehir gift. God has truly blessed them! Again, patience in God's plan always comes out better than expected.

A couple hours later we were able to go see the new "Ayers Boy". Right away I can see that he would fit in perfect. He is such a charmer and all the ladies liked him immediately. It was amazing though, right away he new my JT's voice as his fathers and Jess' touch as his mother's. Jordan has been truly blessed by the best parents with a strong desire to serve the Lord. I was so happy to see JT and Jess joyful. I can not say it enough, this baby was a perfect creation!

And now it begins! The journey that this child will make through life, being guided by his parents and his Heavenly Father. I am excited to see the Christian man I know he will become!

Me and My Nephew

Jordan Bryan Ayers


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